On-Site Workshops/Seminars
Lunch & Learn Differential Pressure Measurement Seminars
The Lunch & Learn seminar is an excellent way to enhance your personnel’s knowledge about differential pressure (dP) flow elements with minimal interruption to your limited schedule.
Our Sales Managers come to your location to supply a customized presentation, typically over your lunch hour and can cover a variety of subjects.
The seminar is well-suited for design engineers, instrumentation and process control engineers, technicians, plant operators and systems personnel.
An excerpt of beneficial subjects that can be covered are listed below. Specialized application topics can also be prepared.
Differential Pressure Measurement Workshop & Seminar Types:
- History of the Venturi meter
- Benefits of a Venturi, differential pressure measurement
- dP Principles and Theory
- Secondary Instrumentation
- Reynolds Number
- Discharge Coefficient
- Uncertainty
- Rangeability, Square Root Relationship
- Pressure Loss
- Straight Pipe Requirements
- Laboratory Calibration or Bench Calibration
- dP Element Types, Venturi, Orifice, Wedge, Etc..
- PFS HVT Design Venturi Benefits
- Materials
- Fluids, Raw/Finished/Waster Water, Steam, Gases, Corrosive, Erosive
- Venturi Rehabilitation