ITAR Registered
ITAR, or the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, are a set of controls created to regulate the export of products with defense industry applications.
ITAR is overseen by the Department of State, who determine what items and services are accepted by the United States Munitions List (USML), with the purpose of preventing unclassified defense-related items from being acquired by unfriendly groups or governments.
ITAR has a number of implications for companies involved in the manufacture, sale, or export/import of defense-related items. Any company that has access to defense-related services, articles, or technical information must be licensed by the State Department and is subject to ITAR.
While some products obviously fall under the oversight of ITAR (weapons, munitions, or military vehicles), others are less obvious. These include software, technical data, other manufactured equipment, and more.
The Implications of ITAR
ITAR has a broad range of implications. Parts not initially appearing to have defense value like fabricated metal components may qualify under ITAR is those components are used in a larger military product. Items used for civilian purposes may also quality under ITAR, provided the items were initially designed, developed, or adapted for a military application.
Companies must register with the State Department to meet ITAR requirements. Once approved, the company must not participate in activities including the transfer of software, services, or exports on the USML list to foreign countries. Record keeping and reporting rules are strictly followed, and a failure to comply creates many problems.
If a company falls under ITAR regulations and still exports non-defense related materials, the could be met with stiff penalties for any compliance violations. Companies may lose government contracts or be prevented from doing business with the government in the future.
Additionally, fines range up to $1 million for violations. Criminal sanctions including prison sentences for company officers, directors, and employees are also possible under extreme circumstances. Proper training and adherence to regulations are necessary to successfully operate within ITAR.
ITAR Compliant Services
Primary Flow Signal is committed to being an ITAR compliant manufacturer, building high-quality products for military, defense, and government clients. We offer a wide range of compliant products and meet the regulations and requirements outlined under ITAR.
You can rest assured that our company adheres to all ITAR requirements outlined by the State Department. If your next project requires precision machined components from an ITAR registered company, look no further than Primary Flow Signal.